The truth about 2012
You might have heard about 2012 and the end of the world. Well, I’ve explained in here to try to inform people of this other life nonsense. In brief, for people not familiar with the concept, the Mayan Long Count Calendar is ending on December 21 2012 and this is what they call the end of the Great Cycle. I felt so bad about all the false information and the fear propaganda being made around this event that I felt the need to create a website and make this all clear.
It is believed that on that date, the world will either ends or dramatic changes will take place. The possibilities are that there will be an increase of flood, volcanoes eruptions, earthquakes, a comet hitting earth and a magnetic poles shift. I explain on the website how this is all totally nonsense, that the end of the Great Cycle is considered by the Mayas as a celebration day and not as a doomsday and that it would be impossible for them to predict such event.
Also, Nostradamus apparently predicted that a comet will hit earth in 2012 causing major chaos on the planet. Again, I think it is fairly objective to say that Nostradamus can’t be trusted. Everyone can be a Nostradamus and it’s in fact fairly easy. Simply write vague enough statements/predictions with no dates about terrible events and once a terrible event occurred, you can probably make a link between your predictions and that event. I found a very nice article dating from 1984 about Nostradamus predicting the end of the world in the 1990’s and I think you can all draw your own conclusions!
One last thing I explain is that the only rational possibility is a magnetic pole shift. A magnetic poles shift is essentially the North pole and the South pole swapping places. It has happened some 780,000 years ago and many believe that we are overdue for another one. To be more precise, some believe it will happen in 2012 exactly. The NASA has confirmed a pole shift in the near future is a possibility, but no one knows! It’s not something you can predict. It is generally agreed that a pole shift could disrupt our planet. This would affect everything ranging from telecommunications to animals and humans. There’s only one thing you have to consider that may people intentionally forget to mention : A poles shift takes 5,000 years to complete! I’m pretty sure you won’t be here anymore. In the beginning of a pole shift, we might face temporary problems with cell phones, GPS, etc. but nothing close to the end of the world!
What is 2012 about?
The year 2012 is referring to the last year of the Long Count Maya calendar. The current Great Cycle, as the Mayas call it, is set to end on the winter solstice of 2012: December 21 2012 and many people believe that on that date, the world will change and never be the same. Some predict terrible events resulting in the destruction of our world and some predict that it won’t necessarily end, but that we will enter a new era and massive changes will occur.
This article will try to answer most questions you may have in a rational way. because there are way too many websites creating some sort of fear propaganda around 2012 and as you will see, you have nothing to be scared of.
There’s too much disinformation going on about this subject and there’s an article you can read that was published around 1990 that reminds me the current situation: http://www.straightdope.com/columns/read/45/was-nostradamus-really-able-to-predict-the-future
What will happen on December 21 2012?
The most random question. ( Yet no correct answer )
A quick answer: Nobody knows, but probably not much. Think, they are just Predictions.
There have been a lot going on regarding the 2012 prophecy recently, including the movie “I am legend”, but surprisingly, not much information about what is really supposed to happen on that date is available. This is Probably because nobody knows and also because probably not much will happen. Most information available about 2012 is making reference to mass destruction of the world as we know it, earth’s pole shift/magnetic field reversal, Nostradamus predictions, end of Mayas calendar, and so on...
The base of all the predictions is the end of the Maya calendar in 2012, which is supposed to mean the end of the world or a period of radical changes. In fact, the end of the Maya calendar is known as the end of the Great Cycle. People find it easy to believe in that theory because Maya civilization is known for advanced writing, mathematics and astronomy. It can seem like they really know what they’re talking about, but the truth is that the end of the Great Cycle is not the end of the world, it’s in fact a great celebration for the Mayas:
For the ancient Maya, it was a huge celebration to make it to the end of a whole cycle” says Sandra Noble, executive director of the Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies in Crystal River, Fla. To render Dec. 21, 2012, as a doomsday or moment of cosmic shifting, she says, is “a complete fabrication and a chance for a lot of people to cash in.”From USA TODAY.Astronomers generally agree that “it would be impossible the Maya themselves would have known that” says Susan Milbrath, a Maya archaeoastronomer and a curator at the Florida Museum of Natural History. What’s more, she says, “we have no record or knowledge that they would think the world would come to an end at that point.”From USA TODAYPutting apart scientific data, here are the commons beliefs of the December 21 2012:
- Galactic Alignment. This Galactic Alignment occurs only once every 26,000, this is considered as the end-date in the Mayans Long Count calender. It is the alignment of the December solstice sun with the Galactic equator.
A comet hitting Earth (Nostradamus) Earth’s Pole Shift/Magnetic field reversal- Increase of calamities, natural disasters, mass destruction, etc.
I don’t want to repeat myself, but all of this is very vague as nobody really knows what will happen and the world is not at its first doomsday prophecy. There have been a lot of “Unfulfilled” prophecies in the past and you can have a look at this Wikipedia document (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unfulfilled_religious_prophecies) for a list of unfulfilled religious prophecies.What I find quite interesting about the 2012 theory is that there’s not much publications from well respected scientific organizations. NASA has published a couple of articles about the pole shift, but nothing else that could reveal a certain fear of the end of the world. Now you could argue that “big organizations” certainly wouldn’t reveal anything that has to do with the end of the world, but that’s another debate.Will I die on December 21 2012?
Well, of-course I can Predict! However I can’t tell, the Mayas can’t, Nostradamus can’t and the aliens can’t. On December 21 2012, a comet won’t hit the earth, a pole shift won’t happen instantly and a massive gravity burst won’t happen either. The only thing you can fear is a pole shift and it can take up to 5,000 years to complete…
What if you’re wrong?
In the case that I am wrong, that every scientist on this planet is wrong and that the NASA can’t figure out a simple galactic alignment that would put our world to an end then I guess we are all in the same situation. You, me and everyone will die. Scary isn’t it? Well, no one can tell what will happen tomorrow or in 2012. The utter important thing is : Future is a prediction. In some cases like this.
Hope you enjoyed.
I hope you enjoyed reading on the 2012 end of the world prophecy and that you are looking at it in a completely different way. Live, love, and Peace! Happy ending! :)