Monday, June 4, 2012

When i miss the most beloved!

I always wonder that when i miss someone, is it because i love that person? i like that person or maybe it’s just an infatuation? We keep on fighting with ourselves that what’s the reason for missing that person? Some time we also miss people we hate. Many time we also miss people we fight all the time but when they are not around.

But, when you want to continue relationship with the person youkeep on missing, you need to be clear with your intention. According to me there might be following reasons:
You also miss someone special when you are in love with that person.
It might be infatuation.
You respect her/his qualities.
That person is always with you when you need someone to lean on.

Whatever may be the reason, I would say it’s very nice feeling to miss someone. You keep on thinking about that person whole day and night or if it’s worst you might start imagining him/her near you.
Many people feel that it’s the worst feeling to miss someone, but I totally disagree with this. I feel it’s the sweet pain and you can for sure enjoy missing someone. The only thing you need to remember is that you have to miss the golden moment you spend with each other. Please don’t ever miss bad times you spend with that person. Always try to cherish the good moments and it will surely bring a smile on your face.
Another thing which people do is to hide their feelings in front of person they are missing. You must keep your ego aside and convey your feelings to that person. Life is too short; if you love or you miss someone do let them know. If that person understands you, it would never ruin your relationship. ♥

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