Wednesday, April 14, 2010

"" Water occupies 3/4th of earth.... water is a universal solvent....out of what we have on as 'pure' only some amount of it is used to drink which is now-a-days going waste.. it is used to wash clothes, dishes and buffaloes too....we should bring awareness among people....... more and more about water "" -- enough .. enough.... i suppose people have known a lot about the basics of water and its use as a resource!
PEOPLE -- its not the time to roll out and start campaigns with the sign boards in hands and shouting " save water " .. they can be max minimised ....It's the time to act upon!
So, basically people know what we are actually talking about, "NOT WASTING WATER" . However people think they have a lot of water and start using it for their greeds and not their needs.. this picture depicts...

we have a lot of water does not mean that we can use in whatever way we want ..
This reminds me of an uneducated person asking me ..... " Isnt it okay to use the water however we want, even though we have plenty of it.." .. So, my complete idea of getting people aware starts from here!! awaring the uneducated first. In India, mostly housewives and labourers are uneducated and they are the one who know the real value of the water. Yet they need awareness campaigns to 'create' awareness among their households and their neighbourhood. It starts with them.....
They know that water is abundant, They know that only some amount of pure water is available for drinking alone. They 'do' imagine the world without water. So, we have come to an understanding point that everybody knows the value of water, even the uneductaed..!!! but, where this water is going as a watse is through " OUR " hands....
Did this 60 years of independence go waste? and are people misusing their freedom? my answer would be " hopefully no" -- They know to use it in the case of 'not wasting water'. Through a thorough research of mine, I found there were very minute neglections of people in this regard. Thinking about the situations it has come down from " Dont watse water" to " Dont waste a single drop of water" . NO . it isnt hypothetical....
On our travel through our life, we observe that in some countries people BUY water even to BATH... It is appropriate to say that, this kind of situation has not yet caught INDIA. We have to take care so that, we will not get struck in these situtations sooner or later.
It is time to imagine , if 'A' person is wasting 'A' drop of water, then just think how much water will be wasted by whole of India! the second largest populated country in the world!! Imagining this is the worst of ever!
Before catching the government for help.... people should start helping themselves to get out of remorseful situations later on ...
Likewise, lot of water creates floods and no water creates droughts..... now we may catch up with the second part of it......if the situation continues.!
we say and say and say but who are doing it???
we will!!
we have one percent of water and in that one percent we are wasting 95% of it!!

i will be the change ... join me...

Why is it important to conserve water?
Water conservation is an increasingly critical concern for people across the globe.Water conservation is very important. There are ways to conserve water everyday and all around us. Doing this will help to preserve our planet and we will feel good doing so.....
Water conservation is an important step in saving money and helping the environment. It's estimated that the world wastes billions of gallons of water yearly. This can be very costly for people.
Water is too good to waste because it is essential for life?. Desalinization is too expensive for most communities. Once water is washed into a sewer system, it's mixed with chemicals that are difficult and very expensive to remove. Watering lawns too often will wash pesticides and herbicides into the sewer system. Most of the times : The water we drink is recyled from the water we use, so it's important to not pollute it.

Sure, you hear a lot about conserving water. But if it’s been raining regularly where you live, what’s the big deal about running the sprinklers at mid-day or letting that drippy faucet go a few weeks before you get around to fixing it?

Conserving water isn’t just about the water supply. Water and wastewater facilities account for 30-35% of municipal energy usage in most communities.

The water that comes out of your faucet is drinking water quality. It’s been processed to the point where it’s safe for human consumption. When you waste drinking water quality water, you’re also wasting all of the energy that goes into making the water drinkable. The water that goes down your drain has to be processed by a wastewater facility, and that uses a lot of energy too.


lets move on to 'HOW'?


- only use the dishwasher when it's full
- install flow constrictors / fauces aerators
- you just need a few inches of water in the sink to wash dishes
- save the water that you rinse veggies with, or that you cook with... use it to water your plants. Cooking water can be reused for future cooking.

- use a drip system instead of sprinklers (very important!)
- if you can't avoid sprinklers, set an automatic timer for them so you don't accidentally overwater
- plant native plants in the garden - they require less water
- water the garden with water saved from the kitchen.

  • Inspect all plumbing in your house to assure that you're not losing water through leaks. Even a small drip from a faucet can result in hundreds of lost gallons each month. This also includes a toilet that runs all of the time. If it's running, that means water is literally going right down the drain! Also, consider show heads and faucets that conserve water. They can be found at your local home store.
  • Don't leave the water running while shaving, brushing your teeth, or washing your hands. Use only enough water to accomplish the task. The water doesn't need to run the entire time for these tasks.This simple step can also save gallons of water each month.
  • Don't flush the toilet every time. It may sound gross, but only if it's "brown" does it need to go down. Also, consider placing something like a 2 liter bottle full of water in the back tank. This will reduce the amount of water used.
  • Catch rain water to water gardens, flowers, and even your lawn. Don't waste extra water if not needed. Purchase a large bucket and put it under a downspout to collect water. Also, avoid watering your lawn if possible. Probably "rainwater harvesting"....
  • Take a shower instead of bucket use.. also take a shorter shower. Even a minute or two shorter will save many gallons of water each month. Encourage any others in your household to take shorter showers as well. This is a simple steps that can make a huge difference.
  • And some simple steps... where we waste a lot of water... Only run the washing machine and dishwasher when they are full. Water conservation starts with common sense!

  • Aim the water sprinkler in the right place - not on the sidewalk or driveway. Also, water the lawn on days when there is no wind to blow it away.
  • Avoid putting water fountains in your yard. If you have to have one, use a trickling fountain - it uses less water than ones that spray.

  • Sweep the driveway and walkways instead of hosing it down with water.
  • Collect rainwater outside in a bucket and use it to water indoor plants or can be used for useful purposes.
  • Don't use the toilet as a trash can. Throw face tissues and cotton swabs in the trash to save water.
  • Wash your vehicles using a bucket rather than a pipe.
  • After cleaning your fish tanks - water the plants with that nutritious water..
  • Donate or recycle your old jeans. You may not immediately correlate jeans with water conservation, but it takes 1,800 gallons of water to grow the cotton that makes up one pair of jeans! Donate jeans to charity and let someone else wear them if you're not going to.

It is always unique take on this pledge by your heart and become a water saver!


I pledge to save water.

I will never waste water.

I will not contaminate our drinking water.

I will not pollute our precious water resources.

I will take the initiative to tell my neighbors and others the sad state of water in our holy rivers, lakes, tanks, wells, and streams, and request them not to pollute them.

I pledge to conserve every drop of water that I can every day of the week.

I pledge to tell people not to clutter our drains with garbage and sweepings.

I pledge that I am against open fouling of our environment, and I will practice good sanitation and hygiene.

I pledge to celebrate World Water Day on March 22nd every year, and let people know about the importance of conserving water and not polluting our precious water bodies.

Pledge given by:

Bharathi Theertha Bharathi Theertha

Vizianagaram, A.P., India Naperville, Illinois, USA


  1. Gopi, Nicely Written. I join your league "Not to Waste Water" - Thank you for the nice post.

  2. Gopi:

    You are doing a good job, and we are proud of you. Kids like you are the future of India. Motivate your friends to be clean, never get corrupted, and above all care for their parents, neighbors, and the environment. God bless you.


    Dr. Prakasam Tata, Ph.D., QEP
    1213 Stonebriar Court
    Naperville, IL 60540 USA

  3. Gopi, good job. Please put your comments on what you practise in your daily life and how you are caring about Water.It would motivate many. Also, share how you love plants. Try to motivate or inspire another 10 of yoour friends of the same age group.Discuss with them the burning problem of Water scarcity,pollution and other misuse or wastage of it.Go around the schools you have access, with your friends and make it a part of life atleast once in a week to create awareness on Water.Let us also try to come up with some material for this to share with the schools every week. - Blessings, Nanna.

  4. Thank you tata garu..... i WILL do whatever i can.
