Tuesday, October 8, 2013

My Future?

I am very happy with so many of my colleagues and seniors getting placed in various MNC's. However, I was just thinking about our future...

In my opinion, The mass percentage of our generation would never strive for knowledge, all they need is comfort at work and a huge salary!!! No offence here, I am partly one of them. :)

Whilst on the other hand, Enthusiasts and Adventurers like "me" always willing to do something different off schedule, and trying hard to make a meaningful life out of what we are passionate about, have the greatest hurdles in the world.

Making a career out of our passion and Earning money at the same time to not to depend on parents even after our 20's.
However, "Settling" is not exactly an option for my type of people (Passionate). For me, I want to be in a "good position" by the age of say, 27? And  that's possible for me coz I know what i am going to do, and how can i earn and I am very very clear about it. :)

Apart from that, the interest of field of work plays an act of important ingredient. It goes like this, If i am intrested in software development now, I will do it. After an year or so, if i am intrested in Farming. Yes, i would do it. Because it satisfies me. That is our ultimate purpose of life right? to satisfy oursleves when we are able to, that is when we are  SINGLE! :P A.K.A not married.

Just because you work in a good IT company doesn’t mean you should work there like forever, right? you have a Life, and you might have a goal. If you love to start a business, go ahead, take risk. If you love to do something huge, if it is important for your satisfaction. Go ahead , do it.
But do them before your marriage or before you start to have kids. Because it is rare to get supportive partners (wife/husband), but if you do get one then half of your problems are already solved.

Calculate your daily expenses, analyze your needs, see your monthly income and live a good life. If you are working as a Software Engineer and you don’t have any idea about “Software”, then spare some time and find a job that interests you or the job you have knowledge in, after that quit the current job and move to that one.

Making a career out of passion is the only way to satisfy yourself. Fot that, you need to be patient and never lose hope. :)
Once you cross that so called "Dip". And that's it, You are the king and nobody can stop you :)
Patience is mans best friend.

That is my conclusion! Hope it helped. :)
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Dip: The point of life where you cannot stand it anymore and on the brink of giving up.

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