Saturday, July 28, 2012

If you love life, then do not squander time!

Those who love life should not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of, says Benjamin Franklin. Each one of us is endowed with 24 hours each day, not an hour less, not an hour more. But while some become millionaires and billionaires many others remain paupers all their lives. While there may be other contributing factors behind materialistic success, yet in the main, one common factor that underlines the success stories of all super achievers is good time management. According to an old Sanskrit couplet, intellectuals spend their time reading literature and engaging in healthy debates. Fools squander their time on addictions, sleeping or skirmishing. We find nine out of ten people fritter away a sizable part of their day in sleeping, gossiping and watching television. While it is essential to relax, communicate and entertain, excessive indulgence in these activities make us unproductive and lowers our net worth in life.

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