Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Life : Real movie!

There is hardly anybody who doesn’t love watching a good film. If you think about it seriously, you will realise that our life itself is one big movie. And the central theme of this film of life is duality. We are all witnesses to this movie, as well as characters playing our respective parts. This movie is a long one, which starts at birth and ends at death. And it has all the necessary ingredients to keep us engrossed. Anger, jealousy, greed, fear, violence, sex, love, misery, sadness----all these and much more form part of this beautiful film, called life.

If there was no duality, if there were no polar opposites like good and bad, right and wrong, light and dark, rich and poor, day and night, it would become almost impossible to weave an interesting story. Try formulating a story where there is only goodness, only love, only rich, satisfied people, only people who speak the truth, where there are no liars, no cheaters, no violent human beings, no plotting, conniving, power hungry individuals, no poverty, no anger, no jealousy, no hate, no tragedy,  greed, lust, or sorrow. One would not even be able to write a couple of pages of such a story, and even whatever one writes would seems so monotonous, dull and boring. There would be no twists, no surprises and no climax to such a story. Any film made with this story would not run very long in the theatres. :P

The same is true of life. People always wonder and ask why there is so much evil, why there is so much hatred, why there is so much anger and violence in life? Why is God allowing these things, when He could easily put an end to these negative events and people, say in a jiffy? Why does God make human being suffer? If one were to assume or believe that life is one big film, one big story, then one would automatically realise why opposites exist, because without them, the story of life is impossible. Life on this earth would have ended many years ago, if not for the continuous challenges and unexpected twists and turns, that have gone to make mankind strong and resilient, as a species. With every problem, every setback, every adverse event, mankind has learnt ways of overcoming them or of adapting to them. And  man has always emerged stronger from every challenge thrown at him.

The purpose of life is evolution. Let the buds rise, lets the plants grow!  Existence is really not concerned with us as individuals, as much as it is concerned with evolution of life itself. We individuals are the foot soldiers, who can be sacrificed if necessary, in the dynamic process of evolution. And hence, we have to come across plenty of sorrow and misery in this life, as these are for us to learn and to train ourselves to become better and better. And existence only wants one thing---that the species that exist on earth become better and better. For existence, the ends justify the meaning!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

A Smile is worth a million dollars and doesn't cost a cent!

Smile, and the world smiles with you. Frown and you frown alone. Smile alone, beware, you will be taken for a loony. A smile is an owner’s pride and onlookers’ delight. It is more contagious than the common cold. If someone smiles, another one who watches him would smile back and there would be miles and miles of smiles. In the end, a single smile could travel round the planet. Mahatma Gandhi said "you are not fully dressed until you wear a smile". If good handwriting is part of our education, a hearty smile is part of our dress. A smile is the most precious gift you can give to someone, yet it costs nothing. A smile is not copyrighted. You are free to steal, if you like, Drew Barrymore’s (Hollywood star) 1000-watt smile! :D
A smiling child has no ulterior motives to serve, no customers to woo, no sales goals to meet, no master to please. It bounces with joy naturallyThe sun shines. The rivers flow. The cows milk. The trees bear fruits. They all have no axe to grind. They do a thankless job. A natural smile is a thankless expression of a joyful heart. A smile is worth a million dollars, and it doesn’t cost a cent.
Smile for Health: "A smile is a curve that sets everything straight", said Phyllis Driller. A genuine smile from a person's innermost soul will keep him happy and healthy. Smiling relieves your stress and boosts your immune system because you are more relaxed. Smiling releases endorphins, natural pain killers and Serotonin. Some say smiling lowers blood pressure. I tried it with my blood pressure monitor at near by hopsital in my locale, i.e., MVP hospital. I sat with a somber face and took a reading. Then smiled for a minute and took second reading while still smiling. :D
 Recently I read in a blog: munching chocolates can work wonders, since they contain alkaloids such as theobromine and phenethylamine, which have mood enhancing effects. Go, pounce on a chocolate bar right away and break out in smile. Nine out of 10 people like chocolates. The 10th person always lies! :P ;)
George Elliot says, "wear a smile and have friends; wear a scowl and have wrinkles." The choice is yours. ^_^

Saturday, July 28, 2012

If you love life, then do not squander time!

Those who love life should not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of, says Benjamin Franklin. Each one of us is endowed with 24 hours each day, not an hour less, not an hour more. But while some become millionaires and billionaires many others remain paupers all their lives. While there may be other contributing factors behind materialistic success, yet in the main, one common factor that underlines the success stories of all super achievers is good time management. According to an old Sanskrit couplet, intellectuals spend their time reading literature and engaging in healthy debates. Fools squander their time on addictions, sleeping or skirmishing. We find nine out of ten people fritter away a sizable part of their day in sleeping, gossiping and watching television. While it is essential to relax, communicate and entertain, excessive indulgence in these activities make us unproductive and lowers our net worth in life.

Friday, July 27, 2012


If old and new acquired knowledge, which would be able to transfer mankind to another level of understanding life in its entirety, wouldn't be spreaded, experiences for changing collective views in relation to handle correctly with nature and its resources, would be lost forever ...
Hiding of knowledge in these turbulent times is (for sure) the wrong way - spreading for change is on time and then in heart to heart conversations, minds and souls would be opened for new point of views and new-born ideas ....
So try to cut your own path, try to experience your own emotional world with all possibilities you've got as a gift from nature and and when it's on time to talk, you should only use your linguistic possibilities (quotes, thoughts and point of views of others should only be impulses for personal development), otherwise you'll always only be a copy and in consequence losing authenticity ...
As Einstein once said: information is not knowledge ... from my point of view and with other considerations I would say: information from intuition is knowledge in it's purest form, so knowledge includes information....