Friday, January 3, 2014

New Year 2014!

So, I have been thinking, In another 15 hours it is going to be a very beautiful morning and a whole new year all over.

To the people who won't scroll down to read, Here it is for you : Happy New Year! 

I won't start that "goodbye 2013" shit. But, go through this. 

In roughly 1 Billion years, The Sun becomes so hot, that Life on Earth becomes Impossible. The death of the sun 4 billion years later marks the end of the solar system.
So, No more Solar system.
And what happens after that?
A few trillion years from now, Star production will seize. And one day the last star in the Universe will die. (80,000 years is roughly the time to travel to the nearest star, to my knowledge.)
The universe will turn Dark, inhabited only by black holes. Long after the last Black hole has evaporated, our universe reaches its final stage, which is called Heat death of the universe.
Nothing changes anymore. The Universe, is dead!  Forever. 

Now you are feeling some pretty wierd feelings right now. Aren't you?
I am, too! 
And I presume it is only natural.

The Good News is, this is all.... far.... FAAAR away...!

The only time that actually matters is.. NOW! 

That you got to like.
Ask her out.
Time is precious. Ain't it?
Make it count. 

And to the people who read this completely, A very "Happy New Year" from my 2 pound heart!  Siva 

Loving one's self !

You know when you "Love" something so much, you start to hate it?

Well, you don't love life itself, You Love... Places, Animals, People, Trees, Memories, Food Literature, Music, Dance, Books, Cars, Bikes and so on..

And there comes a time you meet THAT someone........ who require all the love you have to give. 

And if you lose THAT someone... you think everything else will stop too..
but, everything else keeps on going.

Giradaux said, you can miss a single being, eventhough u r surrounded by countless others.

Well, Those people are like extras, they cloud ur vision. They are meaningless crowd.
They are an unwelcome distraction.

So you seek oblivion in solitude. But, solitude only makes you wither.

I stopped loving people when I stopped loving Life. But I figured out, that is not the end.
And there are some people who are ONLY a "part" of my life, that I haven't figured out yet.

2013 taught me how to Love people eventhough they treat me ONLY as a PART of their Life. 

But I started to Love myself Instead. Because, when you Love yourself, Only then you will Learn to Love others.   Siva