Thursday, September 3, 2009


hello everyone:
i don't walk in front of you as i may not lead....i don't walk behind you as i may not follow....i just walk beside you to just be a friend of yours...!


..has the day begun, entered the college with a lot of bravery expressions since i was late...the lecturer asked me "what gopi chand....were yo
u doing POOJA?" (everybody laughed)
i replied "no sir, traffic" sir said " get in, sit down" i was watching my friends and smiling...taken my place..the day carried on till the interval----discussing about was supposed to be that we were being sent home in the lunch ...and completed chem class with ending of a lesson"chemical bonding".
actually today is teacher's day...i wished my chem sir and he said thank u .
...of course i was cycling to my home as the college ended with a surprise. And yes it was sunny as well as raining!