Friday, May 13, 2016

You're not help to my academic career!

You are no help to my academic career!"
This was the first thought that popped when her thoughts were trying to hack my mind. All of that life for a whole semester was bullshit, I wasted my time. Realized!

Most of us have, at one point, uttered this word.

Perhaps under our breath, as a whisper, fading into the nitrogen of the air. Or written down on a piece of paper, ink bleeding into the organic fibers of the parchment.

Some of us have even screamed this word, a desperate plea, an extended promise, one hand outreached, impatient for another. Some of us have weaved this word into lullabies; some have murmured it between tears and midnight kisses.


The only word I would have said more than a hundred times to one of my best friends!

She found a boyfriend in no time , I had no problem with that, but the importance she gave to me when he wasn’t in the picture, that lessened.

Slowly over the end of the semester, they became closer and started pushing me away. I felt very okay with that too, because I know that’s how life runs.

A real life example I had that girls always like bad boys than good boys :P
( I am a bad boy too, very bad boy in fact. I love people unconditionally! That's too bad. Had no luck though. :P)

I had no idea what to do, except for leaving them and let them be and thanking myself for doing so, for being so optimistic by choosing the right choice over the materialistic people. This I realised only when I was out of the situation.

I couldn’t bear it, I never even had thoughts to break somebody’s heart by moving away. That's not my character, I give a lot of importance and respect to People and their lives, because I expect the same in lieu.

I started to change. A lot. Focused on myself and career. Never gave any shit about anybody saying anything. Because I know myself better than anyone else and I know what I am doing. I have a big plan. Always had a big plan. And started working towards that.
That was the best decision I have ever taken in my life till date.


And today she comes back to me and says that " I did a mistake, I screwed it up. All this time I was in a cloud of fantasy and now I see the reality"

I said - Hey, hi. It's been a while. I totally understand that you see the reality now. It's wonderful. Better late than never right!

She - So, how's life? Anything interesting?

I said - Yes, a whole lot. You taught me how to love myself, by choosing someone else! And I grew so much into it that I cannot love anyone else, until I figure out, I have loved myself enough to love someone else like that.

She - huh?

I said - Yeah, I know! Just want to let you know that I'm always here if you need anything. As a best friend! :)


This reminds me of a movie scene where the guy feels super happy when a girl who rejected him comes back to him. That's definitely an amazing feeling.

Maybe I've been harsh. But I have my reasons. Career was always a first preference. It will be, Until I realise I have done enough!

Love is unconditional - Break free - But never break hearts!

With Love <3

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Super short review of Nexus 6P - India

I believe it's a very delicate balance between the software and the hardware.
For a device to perform and feel as elegant as possible, the SW and HW has to go hand in hand. That's where Huawei built hardware to showcase the power of Google's software.
It's been almost a month that I got my Nexus 6P.
Here is a super short review.

1. Ultimate PURE Android experience. Incredibly smooth. Just flies through everything. No lags till now.
2. Battery is amazing. A full day battery with doze from marshmallow.
3. Camera quality is great. Pictures are crystal and videos are amazing too. Especially the slow motion videos.
4. No heat issue with SD810 v2.0 at all. Played GTA and completed 'badland' in a day - negligible heat (which is common)
5. Fingerprint sensor is crazy fast. I unlock almost all the time in a day expect for once or twice which is also my fault coz I move my finger fast.
6. The design of the phone looks two handed, but I can easily handle it with one hand.
7. The AMOLED display is just fantastic.
8. LTE on Airtel is super cool. It's as smooth as fast WiFi and data doesn't get wasted at all.
9. Android just keeps getting better, optimization is really visible.
10. A simple trick I figured to set everything straight on nexus 6P. Once you get the 6.0.1 update - factory reset it. You're good to go.

That's about it.
Moe 😎

Well, go on now... Shoo!

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Inconsistent Life!!

Life is full of Inconsistency, No matter how hard you want to make things straight, you will always end up with an inconsistent graph and That’s the truth.

There will be moments in life in which the situation effects you so much that you donot ever want the situations to leave your life nor your routine. However, as LIFE it is, you always have an inconsistent ending, Where you might have to Re-realise that situations will never be the same. It depends on you whether you want them to be the same or to be different. It depends on YOU.

As a matter of fact, Life can be so many things at a time. But, It depends on the individual to handle so many things in a single time. One can handle Love, Pain, Fear, Hatred, Gratitude, Faith, Hope… All at the same time. And one can just handle only one thing at a time.
>It's the choice you make.

But the truth here is to handle all the feelings at once because, your conscience, It is so powerful that you can’t even imagine how far it can take you, to a level of understanding your sole inner power and satisfy you in every way possible. Once you understand this, you are unstoppable. You are to master all that is available in the world, you are to master the human feeling, you are to master what you were born to be a master of.

And It is possible only with you and yourself. That’s the reason I always say that I am the king of whatever it is to come. I am the king of whatever it is to be taken care of. After all, I am the king of my own life.

This is not out of pain or love or hate that I am writing. This is what makes me steal the universal power to come and strengthen me more and more. Most of the times it feels so much better that you got all the power that you needed, once you type all the words that you mean.

This is not Fiction, This is not Fantasy, This is the Truth and the Reality,

This is the real Belief.
